We promote healthy eating for all children at KSPG.

Snack time is a lovely opportunity for children to spend in their key groups. It offers a time to interact and reflect.

PLEASE NOTE - WE ARE A NUT FREE SETTING - Do not send your child into session with nuts or nut base products - thank you.


Below you will find the snack list for this term.

Spring 2 - Term 4 - Snack list

Spring 2 SNACK list.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 75.3 KB

Spring 1 - Term 3 - Snack list

Spring 1 SNACK list.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 67.8 KB

Autumn 2 - Term 2 - Snack list

Autumn 2 SNACK list.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 74.4 KB

Autumn 1 - Term 1- Snack list

Autumn 1 SNACK list.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 76.9 KB