The playgroup is ran by a committee of volunteers (trustees of the charity). The committee must legally contain a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and at least two general members (but no more than nine) - 40% of these must be made up of current parents of the playgroup. Internally, the playgroup is managed by a very experienced early years manager. We're very pleased to introduce the KSPG Committee for the school year 2023-2024

Elle - Chair

Iona - Secretary

Gavin - Treasurer

Hi, I am Gavin, I live in Leonard Stanley with my wife and 4 children; Charlie, Mia and our youngest  additions to the family, twins Felix & Imogen, who are due to start at KSPG in September. Last but not least is our much loved dog Edith.


Originally from Glasgow I moved to Kent when I was 6. 

I have a BA Honours in Business from the University of Kent and have worked in the insurance industry since graduating. I spent almost 10 years in London working in the City before moving to the Stanleys. I love the local community and I am pleased to be able to give something back as part of the Playgroup committee.

Rachel - General Committee Member


I'm Rachel and I live in the village with my husband, two boys and two dogs. My youngest attends KSPG and is absolutely thriving there. 


In my day job, I am a Registered Veterinary Nurse, with a certificate in Small Animal Nutrition which is where my passion lies. In my downtime, I'm a keen knitter and reader.


I've been a committee member now for two years as a general member and have now stepped forward to be Secretary for the upcoming year. I love being able to support my local playgroup and the surrounding villages. Fundraising is a favourite of mine!

Kerry - General Committee Member

Laura - General Committee member

Emily - General Committee Member

Kirsty W - General Committee Member

Hello, I'm Kirsty, I have two girls, Freyja (4) who attends playgroup and Arrietty (almost 2). We live in Stonehouse with my husband, Jay, we moved here in 2019 from Bristol.
I'm a property manager and a part time potter.


I joined the committee because I love King's Stanley Playgroup and believe it's an important part of the community. I also want to help in any event as much as possible

Kirsty G - General Committee Member

Hi, I’m Kirsty and I have two girls, Florence (3) who attends KSPG and Iona (11 months) who will join when she is old enough. My husband, Dave, and I moved here in 2019 from Cheltenham and have loved getting to know the area. 

I grew up in Sussex but stayed in this part of the world since going to university in Bristol to study Physiotherapy. I work part time as a Physiotherapy Manager within the NHS.
I have been really impressed with all the improvements and fundraising efforts at KSPG and it is lovely to see Flo happily running in every day. I was therefore keen to give something back, get to know more local people and help in any way I can, hence offering to join the committee.